Cook&Smile: Coconut Almond Granola

Makes 1 medium size jar


100g crushed almonds

300g rolled oats

80g desiccated coconut

50g pepita/pumpkinseeds

40g sunflower seeds

30g sesame seeds

220g maple syrup

30g coconut oil

1 tsp cinnamon

You can add any other ingredients such as nuts, seeds, chocolate chips and dried berries.


Heat the maple syrup, the coconut oil and the cinnamon at medium heat and pour it over the other

ingredients in a bowl. Mix all well and spread out onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Preheat your oven at 320◦F and bake it for 25-35min in the lower level of your over.

Stir it up every 10min so it does not get too dark.

Let it cool completely (it will only get crunchy once cool)

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Follow on Facebook at Marnie S. Weida-Addivigadoo

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